Wednesday 23 April 2014

Viking (Navan Centre)

As part of the Brian Ború festival, I went to the Navan Centre.  I dressed up as a Viking :) Photos below were taken before we left for the adventure.

It was a beautiful day. I was worried because it was raining but then it stopped and the sun came out :) We arrived at the Navan Centre around 11 am and didn't leave until nearly 4 pm.  

Everyone loved my costume :) 


Don't worry, he was only pretending to chop my head off. 


He looked angry but he wasn't. Before we left the field he told me stories about a Viking Pirate and all about Valhalla and their Gods. It was very interesting, he said that he could see that I was interested because I am a good listener :)

I listened to a storyteller tell us of the big battle that happened and he told us news that Brian Ború had died. Then I met this man :)

They asked me if I had any money in my purse and I said no.  They said every Viking, needs money so they did something special for me! I got to hammer a coin for myself and put it into my purse. The man let me sit on his knee and I hit it! It made a very loud noise, but afterwards the coin was made :) I put it in my purse for safekeeping. 

I also got to mill flour! :) The lady laughed and said that I looked very handsome :)

I had lots of fun and it was a lovely day :) It was a great adventure.  The men said I needed an axe and a shield! Maybe a helmet too, Bunny said she would see what she could do. We'll be going to the tented village in a few weeks time so that will be fun :) Maybe I'll have my axe and shield by then.

Distance Travelled today (from Armagh): 5 miles

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Billy Goat Gruff

Today was another adventure! We went to the Navan Centre and Fort, to see the Easter Panto, Three Billy Goats Gruff :) I dressed up as a Billy Goat, below is a photo before we left for the adventure. We arrived at the Navan Centre at 11:20 am and didn't leave until 2 pm!

While we waited to go into the panto, lots of people stopped to talk to me.  One little girl blew me a kiss and I blew one back to her, then she came closer and kissed me on my nose! :)  Then we went in to see the panto. It was lots of fun, the troll was a bit scary at first.  Bunny held me close and I knew it was okay.  Below is a photo of me with the Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Troll! The Storyteller is holding me, they all loved my costume and my horns! We all had to sing a song and then we had to shout and it was very funny. 

I'm a Billy Goat Gruff!

 When we left Bunny went to get a coffee and a lady stopped us and gave me an Easter Trail card.  She said we had to walk around the path and punch the card at each station.  Here is a photograph of me with the card.

Then we went around each station and got my card punched! I posed for a photograph at each station. Though it took us ages to leave the first one.  As lots of people were passing us by and asking my name and wanting to talk to me. 

Below are photos of me at each station :)

Along the way, I saw a tree with pretty blossom that I wanted to climb :) Bunny said it's a crab apple tree. 

Then we walked along the path again and I stopped at the stations again :)

They have wooden mushrooms, so I went to have a look at them and I saw a mini beast!

Before we went back into the Centre I sat under a tree, with my hat over my face. Bunny laughed and said I looked like I was in a Western film.

We went back into the Centre and I handed in my trail card and I got a prize! The man said I could keep my trail card if I wanted too.  Bunny put it into my bag for me for safe keeping. I was getting hungry, Bunny got some food. I sat in a high chair at the table :) Here is a photo of me in the high chair with my punched trail card and prize.

I wasn't allowed to eat my sweets until I had eaten my lunch. We got chips :) I LOVE chips, do you like chips?

I asked Bunny to throw a chip at me and I would catch it in my mouth.  She laughed and said I wouldn't be able to catch it.  Someone behind us shouted for Bunny to throw a chip, so Bunny did. I did catch it, but not in my mouth.

I had a really good time today :) Lots of people loved my costume and my hat! :) I'm looking forward to tomorrow's adventure. 

Distance Travelled today (from Armagh): 5 miles

Sunday 20 April 2014

Choc Bunny Day! (Navan Fort)

This morning I woke up early, because I was excited about this morning's adventure. Bunny said it was too early to go so we snuggled up in bed and watched Hop :)  Then we got ready to go on our adventure, when we returned The Easter Bunny had visited and he had left me presents :) 

First the adventure :) We went to the Navan Fort to roll the Dragon Eggs down the hill, but I stopped along the way to get photos taken.

This was VERY tall
When we got up the top of the Navan Fort, I took this photograph. It overlooks Armagh City, which you can see in the background. Isn't it pretty how the two trees frame the photograph? :)

Bunny put my travelling bag onto the grass for me to sit on.  It was still wet with dew and I didn't want to get my clothes damp. Here is a photograph of me with my dragon eggs. 

I rolled them down the hill and then... nothing! We couldn't see them, they are lost in the grass. Bunny said that a bird or an animal will find them and eat them.  A lady in the Navan Centre said a child will find them and think that the Easter Bunny put them there.  Someone else said that a grown-up will stand on them when walking.  If you find them, let me know in the comments below and don't forget to take a picture!

On the way back, I heard a noise and looked in the bag that I had the dragon eggs in. I had left it on the ground, inside it was this! 
Bunny! The Easter Bunny left me an egg in my bag!
Another selfie

When we got back to the burrow the Easter Bunny had visited! These were waiting for me. 

I ate the head of the choc bunny first. 
Jelly Beans!!
The Jelly Beans made me laugh, because we had watched Hop earlier. If you've seen Hop you'll understand why.

I had a lovely adventure, even though I couldn't find the Dragon eggs :(  

We're going back to the Navan Fort on Tuesday! :) To see their Easter Panto 

I want to go dressed as a Billy Goat! Bunny laughed and said she'll see what she can do.  We're also going back on Wednesday to see the arrival of Brian Ború to Armagh.  I'll be dressing up as a Viking!

Distance Travelled today (from Armagh): 5 miles

Friday 18 April 2014


Today, Bunny is off work and we made DRAGON EGGS! Okay, so they're not really dragon eggs. They are ordinary eggs that we dyed because we are going to the Navan Fort on Sunday to roll them down the hill. Bunny said if I'm good, I can roll down the hill as well! :) That will be fun. I think they look like dragon eggs, what do you think? Below are photos of the process and a butterfly on my nose! More of that later.

Bunny let me sit on the cooker while the eggs started to boil, then she told me to step back.  She said that the pan was very hot and she didn't want me to hurt myself. So I sat on the "Granny Chair" and waited. No-one knows why it is called that.  When I was waiting Anya Cat jumped up and lay down beside me :)

I stroked her and we had a chat while waiting for the eggs to boil :) She gave me a kitty kiss! On my nose, it was so funny, then she kissed me a couple of more times. She's SO soft :)

They took FOREVER to cool. Bunny was laughing because I was blowing on the eggs, trying to get them to cool down faster. So I sat on her lap when she was on the computer and waited. Then she dyed them for me :) I told her what to do. Next photo is of the eggs dyed and drying.

They look like Dragon Eggs! :) I put my ear to one to see if I could hear anything inside them, Bunny laughed at me and called me a silly Lion! 

The dyed eggs :) DRAGON EGGS!! They are dragon eggs!! :) 

I decorated a bag to hold my dragon eggs in and here's me sitting on the bean bag by the front door ready to leave.  Hilla put a sticker on my nose! She said I looked cute. 

The Dragon eggs are safe in Bunny's room and we're going to visit the Navan Fort on Sunday to roll them down the hill! I'm going to roll down after them :)