Saturday 22 November 2014

Monday 17 November 2014

Friends Lego Advent Calendar Day 17

Door 17

I added some extra pieces to the fireplace from the extra/spare pieces bag.  I also made a little plant, that is sitting beside the table.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Dimensions in Time

Today I had an adventure :)  I went to the Dimensions in Time (Dr Who event) at the Armagh Planetarium.  Here is a photo of me before we left for the adventure.  I am dressed as the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and Bunny made the coat.

We arrived shortly after 10am and stayed until 4pm!

Many thanks to the boy who let me pose with his sonic screwdriver.

Me wearing the 4th Doctor's hat.

The clockwork lady ticked! She was scary, but very pretty.


I read a book about Aliens and underpants

I borrowed 3D glasses from the box in the Planetarium.